Recently Walls of Bhubaneswar got decorated with beautiful paintings by the Bhubaneswar Municiplal Corporation.The new Municipal
‘Pasa-palli’. Pasa is the word for the chequer board and it is a very popular game almost exactly like ludo. Pasa palli is therefore the saree full of chequers – maybe they played on their sarees? This element is usually found all over the saree and is not restricted to one area of the piece.
Today is the World famous Rath yatra .Ratha Yatra is a major Hindu festival associated with Lord Jagannath held at Puri in the state of
around the worship of Jagannath (
The huge processions accompanying the chariots play devotional songs with drums, tambourines, etc. Children line the streets through which the chariot will pass and add to the mass chorus. The Rath carts themselves are some approximately 45 feet high and are pulled by the thousands of pilgrims who turn up for the event. Millions of devotees congregate at Puri for this annual event from all over the country and abroad. It is also telecasted live on many Indian channels.
Odissi Dance
With the decision to cover the walls of the Capital City with rural and natural paintings, on one hand she has been able to save the walls from the onslaught of the nude posters with ugly writings and on the other the empowerment of the poorly paid artists was taken up।
Here the walls are decorated with the paintings of Odissi dance which is like other forms of Indian classical dance, the Odissi style traces its origins back to antiquity. One of the most characteristic features of Odissi dance is the Tribhangi. The concept of
Cycle and Pasa Palli Sarees
Another shot of Bhubaneswar Walls. This one is taken near the A .G Colony.
As a recent beautification of
Here the painting you see on the walls tells us about the unique style of Orissa sarees-Pasa Palli.
Pasa Palli Pasa-palli’. Pasa is the word for the chequer board and it is a very popular game almost exactly like ludo. Pasa palli is therefore the saree full of chequers – maybe they played on their sarees? This element is usually found all over the saree and is not restricted to one area of the piece.
As a part of the bautification of
In this image you see the paintings of Bonda Tribe.The Bonda are an ancient tribe of people numbering approximately 5000 who live in the isolated hill regions of the Malkangiri district of southwesternmost
The Bonda are generally semi-clothed, with the women characterised by the wearing of thick silver necklace bands. The tribe is one of the oldest and most primitive in mainland
The best way to view members of the tribe is by going to one of the local town markets. It is not considered safe to venture into their tribal areas. Bondas still use 'binnimoy protha', i.e. give-and-take policies.